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We offer private, duet and group pilates classes

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The Reformer is the most popular Pilates equipment designed by Joseph Pilates. It consists of a carriage that moves back and forth along tracks within a frame. The resistance is provided by your body weight and a set of springs attached to both the carriage and the platform.

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Joseph Pilates's Wunda Chair was originally designed for home practice. Keeping in mind the small sizes of many New York City apartments, it would double as a functional piece of furniture you could sit on and use in your home. With a focus on lower body strength and power, upper body strength and core stability, it's easy to see why many of our athletic clients enjoy a programme that includes exercises on the Wunda Chair

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The Cadillac aka Trapeze, gives all new clients visions of a medieval torture device; however, the gains in mobility and strength of the spine and hips; coupled with great lower body strength quickly forgive any poor first impressions.



The most challenging of any of the Pilates repertoire!
The Pilates mat is a great environment for challenging the strength of the core (aka the powerhouse) whilst also working across the strength and flexibility of the whole body.

All equipment is BASI SYSTEMS

Equipment: Classes
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